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The Plot
The ho'hum feeling of life has overcome the chaotic style of living that was active around Earth after the larger-then-life battle with Lord Ender; Which revealed the existence of Shinigami, Hollows and even demons. The madness which had happened in Japan had spread like a virus all throughout the world. Luckily, though, before the insanity could even reach a high level; The Soul Society sent out many diplomatic figures throughout the world of the living.

Each of these diplomatic people were sent out to calm the public, work with local and national governments, stop riots from taking place and to stop any human from foolishly going after a shinigami, hollow or demon. Eventually, the world simply got use to the existence of these creatures and let their governments, along with the Gotei 13, handle these things. Of course their were a number of organizations who were against this and had their own dark agenda, but the Governments of the world would stop these people easily with the help of shinigami.

Yes, yes. The normal way of life would prevail eventually. The only difference now is that humans were more aware of their surroundings and more cautious of these beings.

But this is only temporary... There is still much evil yet to be unleashed on the world... There are still many battles to be fought, many people to be killed, many lifes to be forever changed. It may be peaceful for the moment, but all of this will soon change.

Kin Iramasha, founder and leader of the Kokuryuteshi, intends to start a war with the Soul Society. First, they will gather enough members in their army to fight against The Iramasha on Iramasha Island. Their forces will be great and in many numbers, that's when the Iramasha will upon the Gotei 13, The Suigara clan and the Karakura Defenders for assistance with this threat. That's when the mother of all brawls will happen upon Iramasha Island and throughout the Soul Society since the Gotei 13 believes Kin and his followers are too much of threat and need to die.

He also intends to convert everyone to his army either by force or a mass version of Chaos Soul; killing anyone resisting his will. After that, he intends to wipe out the Soul Society, Earth, Demon World and Hueco Mundo. Once that is completed he will have his armies rebuild the worlds in his own image.

But that's not the worse of it. He's also aiming to destroy other worlds, galaxies, universes and even Alternative Dimensions in order to spread his army even further and give everyone in power their own world.

He and Andrei, Commander of military Operations and Kin's right hand man, have also been experimenting on creating their own realms and planets as well just incase they have to destroy everything.

But Andrei simply wants to destroy everything, unlike Kin. Which is where problems will arise later on as well.

And that's not the only threat looming over the horizon for humanity...

Sensing the tension in the Soul Society, Demons will begin to strike Earth and Hueco Mundo. Hueco Mundo will be a secondary target due them needing more space to house their expanding race. However, the main reason they are invading Earth is to un-seal their King, Touketsu, from the body of Ketsu and free his pets; Oni Chiita, Kutogatshi annd many others selaed inside Ziamichi's.

However, there is a reason why he is still the king of demon world even though he is sealed. He's promised the Demons Immortal life after the eradication of all over beings on Earth. How would he do this? Well, he knows for certain that death has a physical body now and knows how to tap into that power.

There are TRILLIONS of souls just waiting to be free'd or used in the wrong way inside of this mother fucker. Although it isn't anything like a human, hollow, demon or any type of body we know.

And only Touketsu knows where it is sealed. Touketsu was also once apart of Death as well. He wanted to see what it was like to tap into that power thousands of years ago. ...and even he said it was too much for him to do. The agony, insaity and depersation of those souls were so intense it nearly drove him to insanity from their sheer will. He would have to come back when he was stronger.

From all sides, it seems Earth is racing towards a destation with death.

Which side will prevail?

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In The Thread, "Clash of Titants", there is currently a major threat of Radiation spreading throughout some of the Seireitei due to the on-going spar with 0 Division Member, Ceon Clixx, and Former Vice Captain of Kenpachi Zaraki and Biological Experimentation of KJ: Radioactive. There is also a major Category 5 Hurricane to be worried about as well forming from Ceon Clixx.

During the battle Radioactive used an attack he hadn't used in awhile. To sum it all up, it's basically a miniature nuclear explosion going on within the Gotei 13's boundaries.

It should also be noted Radioactive was used as a walking, breathing, fighting nuclear weapon during the war against the Quincies thanks to the mad scienteist, KJ Yunashi. Thanks to the modifications to his body he was able to help in the extermination of Quincies with the Gotei 13.

Will anyone be able stop these two from destroying everything for the sake of fun or will they eventually finish each other off? For now, if your not at least on 0 tier, it's better to stand back and watch this battle from afar. Anyone under 0 tier will be more prone to die if they enter this battlefield.

So you've been warned.

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PostSubject: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 10:22 pm

Slowly, a golden-red light started to envelop the city, as one lone young man sat down on his chair outside of a small restaurant, enjoying the final rays of warmth. The spirit inside him purred amused at this behaviour, as Johnathan ordered himself a cold beer and looked onto the street, right besides the small areal of tables and chairs outside of the restaurant.
The usual view: many many people, sometimes a lone, wandering spirit, hollow eyes glowing in the dark of side streets and disappearing once they noticed that there where to many strong beings near them to eat anything.
"Just another normal day in Karakura, huh..." he mumbled to himself, drinking a bit of his beer and sighing.

Last edited by Silim on Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:09 pm

Sliding in the bar, a "young" boy was unseen by many, though a slight few might have the odd ability of being able to perceive him. Seeing what he wanted, the kid glided over before unsheathing his sword from the scabbard. "Soul Burial." He whispered, as the smoky white, pal figure, the ghost turned around with a surprised look, before the hilt slammed into it's forehead, and it disappeared in a flash of white. The only thing remaining was a small butterfly, that flew away promptly.

"Glad that's over with... man.. Even though I'm a captain I love coming and doing this.." He mused to himself, sitting on an otherwise empty bar stool and surveying the bar's patrons.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:22 pm

"A captain in the real world? Quite rare." The Quincy had a good view on the man who released the poor spirit into his new life. This had to be a rather boring job, nothing Johnathan would ever do himself. But someone needed to do it - or they would have a shitload more Hollows flying around very soon. Taking another dip from his beer, he still looked at the Shinigami.
"Hm... you look quite strong. Stronger than the last captain I met. Care to share your name with the greatest of all Quincy?" he asked, in his usual, cocky and mocking tone.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:27 pm

Tenka smirked. "Nope..." He said, before heading over towards the door, not even looking at the quincy. "Perhaps when you get a bit stronger... Then I will tell you my name.." He said, as he slammed open the door and walked out casually, most of the patrons tripping balls that the door slammed open. "Later.." He said, before shunpoing out the building and onto the roof. The cool wind was nice against his hot face. The bar was rather stuffy. The hard gravel adorning the roof crunched under his feet. "Now then.. any more souls?" He asked himself, surveying the surroundings.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:32 pm

"A bit stronger? Do you want to challenge me?" Without warning, the Quincy stood behind the Captain on the roof, using his speed - this time without a beer, but with a newly lighted cigarette in the mouth, taking a deep one from it and blowing it towards the Captain, smirking himself.
"You shouldn't judge someone by his looks, it could hurt. If I judged you shorty by your looks, I wouldn't even look at you. So, still don't want to tell me your name? Or do I actually have to go through all the trouble and show you my awesome powers in full extent? Y'know, without some decent Hollows to blast holes in, it would be kinda a waste." Another breath from his cigarette was taken.
"Don't make me your enemy. I simply like to know who dwells in Kakakura, and be asured. If I wanted to make trouble, you would be very dead right now. There are people you Shinigami shouldn't mess with."
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:38 pm

Tenka was taken back by the mans rudeness. "Looks? No.. your reiatsu..."You Shinigami"? Fool.. You have no idea who you are talking about, do you?" He asked, before sniffing. "Besides, I doubt even your little Demon thing would help you against something that cannot be stopped." He said, before sighing. Sitting on the edge of the roof, he motioned for the quincy to sit beside him.

"The name is Tenka. Inugami Tenka...Captain of Squad 13.." He explained, offering his hand.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:45 pm

Simply raising his shoulders, Walker replied. "I know that there are some squads in Soul Society with quite some guys who know how to put the fight to the Hollows. Do I really wish to know more? I'm still quite alive. No real wanting to know the world of the dead." Taking the captain up on his offer, he sat down beside him and took the hand.
"Johnathan Walker, one of the last and best Quincy around. No squad or stuff like that, but a pretty nice spirit inside me."
'You trying to flatter me?' the cat asked amused in his head, making herself visible as a shape besides her host, smiling kinda menancing in her cat form. The other form... well, she never showed it to anyone. Even Walker didn't see it often...
"And actually, winning hopeless fights is our speciality. I love to defeat those who are overconfident in their abilities."
'Aren't you the same?' The cat spirit was now talking in Johnathans had and also transmitting her words to the Captain.
"Hey, whose side are you on?"
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeMon Mar 22, 2010 11:56 pm

It got silent suddenly. Deciding not to break it (he did that enough..) Tenka merely stared at the sunset. "Man.. it's things like this that piss me off about dying..." He said absent mildly, picking up a handful of gravel and letting it fall down onto the busy street. It was funny, because he didn't know it, but if people looked up, the only one there was Johnathan...

"Yeah.. some are quite powerful.."
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 12:08 am

Walker was simply leaning back a bit, also bathing in the last bit of the sunlight.
"What? The sunset, or that you're already... well, dead?" he asked, smirking once again. He wasn't polite, and would never be. The flirring, ghostly image of his inner demon was lying beside him, also taking in some sunlight. Sadly, this was not his inner world, or he could pet Shironeko a bit. He kinda liked the feeling of never being alone in his body while fighting and killing Hollows. Just as he thought about that, he took the last deep breath from his cigarette, pulling out his pack of new ones.
"I respect only the hella strong people. Want one?" He offered a cigarette to the captain.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 12:14 am

Tenka shook his head. "No, thanks.. Don't smoke.. Already dead." He laughed slowly, before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Then I guess I get some respect.." he said cheekily, before sliding down the building. "If you want me to prove it, follow me." He called back, as he strolled towards a clear field, intent on injuring no innocents. "This is going to be gun,..." He whispered, grabbing the handle of his blade and unsheathing it.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 12:31 am

In the distance a man with silver hair was walking towards the two. As he got a few feet away he stopped and said ''Hello there.'' He had a wide smile and scratched the back of his head. Hmm strong spiritual pressure. The one is a quincy. he thought to himself. ''My name is Samuel.''he said without revealing his last name. He then put his hands in his pockets and walked forward.Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Cturescute
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 12:41 am

"Sounds interesting. At least more interesting than drinking beer." Johnathan jumped from the roof, lighting his smoke as he fell, some screams where to be heard once he landed, then he dashed of at high speed, towards the same open field. They weren't even fully there, and another guy approached them.
A notable pressence, like Johnathan would say. Not someone to be messed with to much, if not looking for a fight - but the voice and spirit seemed rather calm. The shade of Shironeko was nowhere to be seen, she had retreated into Walker completely.
"Hello back at ya. Name's Johnathan." Following with the practice of the silver haired man, not telling his name with a small grin.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 12:53 am

Ignoring the other presence, Tenka didn't quite care. "So are we gonna do this?!" He asked, his blade held loftily in his hand. " Come on man, Hurry up!" He called, taking a few practice swings with the blade. he could feel the weight resistance, and altered his blades angle to decrease it. He could feel the muscles pull in his legs, arms, chest, back, etc, as he danced with the wind. He was so ready.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 1:04 am

Samuel smiled and heard the quincy give his name. ''Hello Johnathan.'' he said with a smile. ''Hmmm you are a strong quincy, i could feel your spiritual pressure about 10 minutes before i arrived.'' He then looks at the shinigami swinging his blade. ''And what is your name, shinigami?''he asked him still smiling.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 1:08 am

Tenka stopped, distracted. "Name's Tenka.. Captain of Squad 13!" He called, annoyed that he was distracting his sparring partner. "Come on, Quincy! Fight me!" He called, calling out chicken noises in the the now near darkness. "Bacock!" He cried, his blade whistling through the air as he continued to warm up.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 1:22 am

"If you'll excuse me, Samuel - someone needs to get his ass handed to him." Johnathan said laughing, taking a quick step through the air and appearing in some distance to the stranger, so that he wouldn't be caught in the spar.
"Time that you learn how to dodge, Captain." The Quincy crossed his arms before his chest, closing his eyes, calling upon his hidden power. Then, he raised his right hand into the air, over his head, spiritual energy collecting into it.
"Shironeko!" he called out the name of his partner. "Level drei aktivieren! [activate level three]" In a flash of light, the big guns appeared in the hands, chains comming out of nowhere, attaching them to his arms and upper body, while a cape also appeared with rose motives on it.
In the same moment, the Quincy was pulled into his spirit world. He stood before his Demon, in a completely void space, where his partner seemed to shine.
"I give you warmth, but I'm not the sun. Without me, all will die. If you loose me, it's hard to regain me ever again. Who am I?" The cat asked.
"You are... love."

The last sentence was also said out loud, as the transformation was completed and he solved the riddle. Briefly, he saw a picture of Shironekos other form in his inner world before completely returning. That all didn't take longer than a few milliseconds in the real world.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 1:38 am

He laughs, ''I understand, go ahead and do what you gotta do i'll watch'' he replies with a smile and he jumps back a few meters. He then notices the chains and sees the quincy disappear and then reappear almost instantly. ''Hmmm whered you go?'' he asked giggling.
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Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 2:26 am

Tenka grinned, before steeling his grip on the handle. "A good start then.. might as well catch up!" He said, before holding his blade steadily in front of him. "Consume, Hitsubatsu.." He said, and a lightning bolt fell from the heavens, illuminating the blade and the boy. The sword transformed into it's Shikai form, that akin to a mages blade. "I doubt your power blasts will be able to get me if I put some distance between us!" He cried, before activating "Ascend to the Heavens". Instantly, his blade began to devour the gravity around him, and he started to float.

Achieving a good distance in the sky, he stopped. He kept the ability running on medium, meaning it wasn't eating more gravity, but it wasn't allowing more to push down. Like a log in a river, so to speak. "Now then... let's just wait for him to attack.." He said, as the words were whipped from his mouth. He was so high up that if he raised his hand, it would become soaked in a cloud.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 3:27 am

Samuel laughs in amusement 'Surely this will be a good fight' He then sits down and watches the two. He saw how high up Tenka appeared to be. 'Hmm that shinigami has a very unique ability' he thought to himself. ''Ha, This will be good indeed.'' he says out loud.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 7:49 pm

The Quincy simply watched as his enemy floated away, nearly starting to laugh. Who needed his Zanpaktou to fly? If he tried, catching up with the captain would be easy as hell. But instead, he simply waited - and aimed.
"Never did much research, it seems. Any Quincy could hit him." he said to himself, knowing that the words wouldn't reach someone that high up, and then - he fired a wide barrage of spiritual energy blasts upward, before disappearing from his stand and reappearing in the air, nearly taking half the distance away.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 7:54 pm

Tenka grinned. It was what he had been waiting for. "Portal!" He cried, his words whipped away from his mouth by the wind as he slashed the air in front of him. Metal screeching upon metal. That is what it sounded like as the very atoms that held together the universe were ripped away and absorbed into Tenka's blade. As the portal appeared before him, he hid behind it and grinned as the attack portion meant for him was transported to Hueco Mundo. "Cold Light..." He whispered, and immediately turned invisible.

Floating down from the sky, he grinned as it appeared the blast had disintegrated him. Approaching Jonathan, he landed lightly on the ground, barely making a sound, before he began a barrage of steel in his direction, swinging his blade expertly, tilting the steel to cut through the wind, rather then push. "Ripper.." He whispered, as his blade began to devour whatever it touched.

Last edited by Urufu on Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 8:03 pm

Samuel laughs in amusement as he watches them. 'interesting abilities they both have.' he thought tom himself. He watched them both sharply with their moves. He saw the portal and was very interested. He thought for a moment and thought of the quincy. 'He seems very confident in this fight.' he thought. Then he yelled out ''Nice try quincy!'' he smiled. Then he looks up at the captain,''Um, good job captain.'' he still grins.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 8:09 pm

Of course, he knew from the beginning - the captain wasn't pulverized by this half-powered attack of weak bullets. After all, Johnathan wasn't in his full powered form and didn't charge much energy into the guns. Closing his eyes, he simply waited for the sound. There it was - breathing, and... was that the sword? Maybe, it wasn't very loud. Not wondering too much, he whirled around, raising his guns. Spiritual metal crashed against spiritual metal as he deflected the devouring sword - a nasty sound was heard as a part of his left gun was devoured. Continuing to block it with the spiritual chains on the gun, he raised the right one and fired it multiple times at point blank range.
Being in the middle of this spar, he couldn't really react to Samuel who simply watched them.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 8:21 pm

Tenka also ignored Samuel, but out of concentration, not rudeness. There was only one thing he could do at this point, having only a split second to react. "Basic Reshi absorbing." He muttered, and held the blade in front of his face. A lot of the attack hit, but it was very watered down, most of the damage being absorbed by his sword. Flying backwards anyway, he performed a backflip in the air and landed gracefully on his toes, before charging once again. Shunpo-ing behind the man as he got close to him, he continued slashing and hacking at him.
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PostSubject: Re: Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED]   Setting Twilight Sun [FINISHED & CLOSED] Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 8:31 pm

Still not seeming where his enemy was, Johnathan closed his eyes again to sharpen his other senses even more. Shironeko inside of him was helping with that, though he couldn't use the cat-dexterity in it's full extent in the Third Form, it should be enough to ensure not to be turned into chopped flesh pieces.
Blocking sword attacks with his guns, it was now the Quincy who was being pushed back by his enemy. Making a sudden drop towards the ground, he barely dodged the sword of his sparing partner, nearly getting beheaded, but now being below him. Exactly what he wanted.
"Crafting of the Dream..." he mumbled, and his guns repaired in the blink of an eye, before he shot from below and fell the short rest of the way towards the ground.
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